Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Prayer Changes Things

Life challenges can cause you to lose faith, and/or at times, the desire to ask God for help. This happens even if you have been doing everything in your power to live the life God has called you to live.
You have been seeking employment opportunities, but you’re still unemployed.

You have been praying for a family member or a friend, but they’re still in bondage.
You have been praying for your health, but the doctor tells you there’s no cure.

Why is that during hard times we doubt that He is able, but during good times it is easy to believe?
“You of little faith, why do you doubt” –Matthew 14:31

Despite the challenges or the obstacles you face, remember, “You may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning”-Psalm 30:5
I want to encourage someone to believe again. Pray through the good and the bad. Never give up on God, because He won’t give up on you.

Prayer Changes Things.

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