Friday, May 23, 2014

One Prayer Away

One Prayer Away

Have you ever been through a difficult situation where you wanted to throw in the towel and give up?  Maybe you experience difficulty finding or keeping a job. How about the people you expect to be there for you during difficult times are never around when you need them. 

Understand this, no matter what your situation looks like, you are one prayer away from a blessing.

About a month ago I was on the verge of not knowing if I would have job. The organization that I was working for was going on a hiring freeze. When asked what my plans were I would respond, God will provide.

What I did not tell people is that I was scared, stress, and praying did not seem to fix my situation.

You see I wanted God to make everything better right away. But He had other plans. He wanted me to believe that He was able, regardless how the situation looked like.

Less than 7 days before the end of my contract a brother in Christ told me something that change the way I looked at my situation. He mentioned that sometimes you have to let go of a situation knowing that God will be there to catch you.

That night I begin to praise God for who He was. I told Him I trusted him. I started to tell Him how good He was.

Just to think I almost gave up on myself, but little did I know I was one prayer away from my blessing.

The next day I was offered a new contact with my organization.